I'm thrilled to be able to write a review for Penumbras, the second in the Middle School Magic series by Braden Bell. We really enjoyed the first book, The Kindling (which I reviewed here). We love reading about the adventures and struggles of Conner, Lexa and Melanie (oh, and we can't forget Pilaf, whose adventures intensify in this book as well).
Thanks to the fact that the author let us read a draft copy of his book, I was able to do what I did with The Kindling and claim it as a read-aloud-with-Mom-only book. (It's hard to find a fantasy book my kids have not read and knowing of a book before it's published gives me an advantage!) Our recent vacation gave us time to finally finish it (it's hard to find a time when all three kiddos are in one place). We completed it just in time for the book's launch and blog tour.
We love the story and the characters and the suspense and the lessons explored in the books.
But I want to write this review (as I did the first time) more in momma mode, because I know parents often like to hear what other parents think about the entertainment available to their children.
Short answer is this: I love this series. It's definitely for older tweens/teens (lots of action, light-vs-dark moments, and some teenage crush-love stuff that likely will be too much for younger kids), but the books are well-written and both fun and meaningful.
As a mom, I always appreciate books and stories that can help give our family a springboard to talk and think about the reality of light and darkness, of good and evil, of trials and opportunities. Because we read this book aloud, it gave us a shared experience for such pondering and discussion.
It is clear to me that the author (a junior high/middle school teacher) understands and cares deeply about teenagers. In a world where often teens can be at the brunt of jokes and eye rolls, this is refreshing. In my view, the author's personal investment in youth comes out strongly in his writing.
I also was grateful for some teaching moments that the author capitalized on. In fact, as I was mulling over what to write for this review, the example I wanted to share was one that my starting-the-eighth-grade daughter brought up on her own as something that stuck with her.
Dr. Timberi gives some sage advice about teenage romances to one of his students that any mother would, I think, be thrilled to read aloud with her teens:
"Now, please accept a bit of advice from someone who has watched dozens and dozens of adolescent relationships pop like bubbles and ruin friendships....Teenage romances are notoriously unstable. Protect your friendship with prudence. Be friends. Good friends. Affectionate friends. But leave it at that. If love is real, it will grow along with you until you are both mature enough for a durable relationship that will shelter and feed it.
"[She] nodded. Super embarrassing to hear that from a teacher, but she saw the wisdom of Dr. Timberi's words."I've always been grateful for other adults in my children's lives who care enough to share important, direct advice born of experience and concern. I love how the author weaves this advice into the plot -- far enough into the series that it doesn't come across as preaching, but clear enough that the message cannot be missed.
(I like how on his blog, too, he takes time to share some thoughts and advice for youth and their parents in a feature called Middle School Mondays.)
Just as with the first book, there were moments in this book where I struggled to read out loud because I got choked up. He hits on some topics and truths that really moved me; the lessons and topics explored in these books definitely extend beyond a teen's world. And just as with the first book, we had a hard time putting it down.
I think this book is, as another reviewer said, Braden Bell's best book yet. We highly recommend this series. (And we anxiously look forward to Book Three!)
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About Braden Bell, author of the Middle School Magic series:
Braden Bell earned a Ph.D. in educational theatre from New York University. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in theatre arts and child drama from Brigham Young University. He and his family live on a quiet, wooded lot in Tennessee, where he teaches theatre and music at a private middle school--the world described in The Kindling and Penumbras(whether his evenings and weekends are spent fighting evil is something he cannot disclose). An experienced performer, Braden enjoys singing, acting, reading, gardening, and long walks with the dog.
Braden enjoys interacting with readers on his blog or Facebook page. He's available for schools assemblies, classroom visits, and book clubs in person or via Skype. You can contact him by leaving a message here.
Penumbras Website (trailers, photos, sample chapters): http://www. bradenb
Author Facebook: https://www. facebo
Author Twitter: @ bradenbellcom
Author Blog: http://www.bradenbell.
Thank you, Michelle, for a very thoughtful review! I appreciate your perspective and time.